William December Williams Jr. or professionally known as Billy Dee Williams, rose to stardom thanks to his role as Lando Calrissian in the hit film franchise Star Wars. He also brought to life the characteristics of the lawyer, Harvey Dent, and Two-Face during the 1989 movie Batman. In 1961, Williams recorded a jazz LP produced by Prestige Records. It was entitled Let’s Misbehave, on which he sang swing standards.

At the age of 82, Williams is still going at it and giving his best foot forward in the field of acting. He just recently appeared in the 2019 Star Wars film, Rise of Skywalker. This marks one of the longest intervals between characters portrayals of the same actor in the history of American film. With all these projects, he might surely have a good investment for his future. Williams talked about his feminine side in an interview and used masculine and feminine pronouns to refer to himself in late 2019.
