Tyra Banks possesses one of the most gorgeous bodies in the fashion industry and it’s one of her biggest advantages over her competition. With that kind of body, we can easily assume she had the perfect body to start with, but she showed that there was still plenty of room for improvement and for shedding off unwanted fat.

When Tyra Banks lost a whopping 30 pounds, she needed the help of a nutritionist. The famed model and her trusty nutritionist worked together so that she could achieve the body she wanted. She also followed a new diet and workout plan, although she did not reveal any specifics about it. Despite her effort to avoid all the fatty foods and unhealthy food options, she just cannot stop herself from eating ice cream.
Tyra said that although she is all about moderation, she has to indulge. Whenever she is with her mom, they become dangerous with their love for ice cream. Fortunately, she does not need any kind of investment planning to buy herself one.
