Kid Rock was born Robert James “Bob” Ritchie in 1971 in Michigan. Kid Rock has been a legend in the music scene. Known for being a multi-instrumentalist rock star, he also ventured into music production. But he was initially a rapper and at a young age of 17, he released his debut album in 1990 which became a success. In 1998, the studio album Devil Without a Cause sold 13 million copies worldwide.
He has 5 Grammy nominations. In the United States, his albums sold 23 million copies and 27 million copies were sold globally. Now 49 years old, Kid Rock has amassed millions in his entire career. He now has a net worth of $150 million. And he proves to be a generous man to a huge degree. Just recently, he released the single Quarantine, for which the proceeds from its sales were donated to Covid-19 relief aid.